Database - Definition, Components, Purpose, Benefits

Database – Understanding According to Experts, History, Components, Objectives, Benefits, Types, Stages & Examples – For this discussion we will review the Database  which in this case includes the understanding according to experts, history, components, objectives, benefits , types, stages and examples, so in order to better understand and be understood, see the full review below.

Understanding Database

Database is a collection of information stored in a computer systematically so that it can be checked using a computer program to obtain information from the database. The software used to manage and query the database is called a database management system (DBMS).

Database systems are studied in information science. 

The term "database" has its origins in computer science. Although then it means more broadly, putting everything outside the realm of electronics, this article is about computer databases. Note that similar databases actually existed before the industrial revolution in the form of ledgers, receipts and data sets related to business. The basic concept of a database is a collection of records, or chunks of knowledge.

Databases have a structured description of the types of facts stored in them: these descriptions are called schemas. Schema objects describe what the database represents, and the relationships between those objects. There are many ways to organize a schema, or to model a database structure: these are known as database models or data models.

The model that is commonly used today is the relational model, which in layman's terms represents all information in the form of an interconnected table with each table consisting of rows and columns (the actual definition uses mathematical terminology).

In this model, relationships between tables of places are represented by using the same values ​​between tables. Other models such as the hierarchical model and the network model use a more explicit way of representing the relationships between tables.

Database refers to the collection of interconnected data, and software must refer to a database management system (DBMS). If the context is clear, many administrators and programmers use the term database for both meanings.

Database History

The following contains some database history, consisting of:


From the beginning of the use of computers, data storage and manipulation was the main focus of the application. In the early 1960s, Charles Bachman at the General Electric company designed the first generation of DBMS, called the Integrated Data Store. The basis for the network data model was formed and then standardized by the Conference on Data System Language (CODASYL). Later, Bachman received the ACM Turing Award in 1973.

In the late 1960s, IBM developed an Information Management System (DBMS). IMS is formed from the representation of data in a framework called a hierarchical data model. At the same time, the collaboration between IBM and an American airline company developed the SABER system. The SABER system allows users to access the same data on a computer network.


In 1970, Edgar Codd at the research laboratory in San Jose proposed a new data representation called the relational data model. In the 1980s, the relational model became the dominant DBMS paradigm. The SQL query language was developed for relational databases as part of the System R project from IBM. SQL was standardized in the late 1980s and SQL-92 was adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Standards Organization (ISO).

Programs that are used for concurrent execution in the database are called transactions. The user writes the program, and is responsible for running the program concurrently against the DBMS. In 1999, James Gray won the Turing award for his contributions to transaction management in DBMS.


In the late 1980s and early 1990s, many areas of database systems were developed. Research in the field of databases includes powerful query languages, comprehensive data models, and an emphasis on supporting complex data analysis throughout the organization. Some vendors (eg IBM, DB2, Oracle8, and Informix UDS) are extending their systems with the ability to store new data types such as images and text as well as complex query capabilities. Special systems developed by many vendors to create data warehouses and consolidate data from multiple databases.

An interesting phenomenon is the emergence of enterprise resource planning (ERP) and management resource planning (MRP), which add a substantial layer of application-oriented features to mainstream DBMSs. Widely used packages include Baan, Oracle, PeopleSoft, SAP, and Siebel. The package identifies a common set of tasks (eg inventory management, human resource planning, and financial analysis) faced by a large number of organizations and provides a common application layer for carrying out the tasks.

Data is stored in a relational DBMS. Then, the application layer can be customized at different companies so that the overall cost of the company is lower than the cost of creating the application layer from scratch. Furthermore, DBMS entered the world of the internet. During the first generation, web sites stored their data exclusively in operating system files.

At this time, the DBMS can be used to store data that can be accessed via a web browser. Queries can be made through web forms and formatted answers using markup languages ​​such as HTML to make it easier to display in the browser. All database vendors add this feature to their DBMS.

Database management considers the importance of data being online and accessible via computer networks. Currently, such fields are manifested in multimedia databases, interactive videos, digital libraries, scientist projects such as mapping projects, NASA's Earth observation system projects, and so on (Ramakrishnan and Gehrke, 2003).

Understanding Databases According to Experts

The following are some definitions of databases according to experts, consisting of:

  1. S. Attre revealed that the database is a collection of data that are interconnected with one another with various uses.
  2. Gordon C. Everest, database is a collection of data that is mechanical, divided and defined formally through an organization.
  3. Toni Fabbri , states that the database is an integrated file system that has at least one primary key as repetition.
  4. CJ Date, database is operational data used by the application system of an organization.

Database Components

The following are some database components, consisting of:

Hardware (hardware)

The database system can be seen that the database is essentially stored on an electronic storage medium (hard disk), while the database consists of several interrelated files/tables. The database is managed by a DBMS (database management system) and the database can be used by several users who can manipulate the database.

The hardware that is usually contained in a database system is as follows:

  1. Computers (one for stand alone or more than one for network computers)
  2. On-line secondary memory (hard disk).
  3. Offline secondary memory (tape) for data backup purposes
  4. Media/communication device (for network system)
Operating system (operating system)

Operating system is a program that activates / enables the computer system, controls all power systems in the computer and performs basic operations in the computer (input / output operations), file management, and so on. The database management program (DBMS) will be active (running) if the desired operating system is active.

Database (database)

A database system can have multiple databases. Each database can have a number of database objects (such as files / tables, stored procedures, indexes, and others). Besides containing / storing data, each database also contains / saves structure definitions (both for the database and its objects in detail).

Database Management System (DBMS)

System (application/software) database manager (DBMS) Physical database management is not handled directly by the user (user), but is handled by a special software (system). This device is called a DBMS, which will determine how data is organized, stored, modified, and retrieved. The device also implements data security mechanisms, data sharing (data sharing), forcing data accuracy/consistency, and so on.

User (user)

There are several types / types of users on the database system, based on the way they interact with the database, including:


Programmers are users who interact with Application databases through DML (data manipulation language), which are included in programs written in the parent programming language (such as pascal, cobol, clipper, foxpro, and others).

Advanced Users (Casual Users)

Advanced Users (Casual Users) are users who interact with the system without writing program modules. They express queries (for data access), with a query language that has been provided by a DBMS.

General User

General User is a user who interacts with the database system by calling a permanent application program, which has been written / provided previously.

Special User

Special users are users who write non-conventional database applications for special purposes.

Other applications (software) (optional)

AI applications, Expert Systems, Image Processing, and others, which can access databases with / without DBMS. Other applications (software) These other applications are optional, whether or not there is depending on our needs. The DBMS that we use plays more of a role in organizing data in the database, while database users (especially those who are end users) can provide special programs for filling, changing and retrieving data.

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